These are of two main kinds:
– multi-year programs (such as the “Sicaya dykes” 1993 to 2011) which commit significant resources over time and concern several levels of intervention (construction, training of farmers, education, etc.)
– short programs or micro-projects on targeted topics.
For several years, A4CM has been supporting students and teachers from various schools and colleges in the Bolivian Altiplano, one of the poorest regions in Bolivia : school and teaching materials, clothing, backpacks, etc.
For example, in 2016, A4CM supported 14 educational units that bring together 417 students (320 initial and primary level, and 97 secondary) in the Arque region.
The programs are monitored and managed by our permanent representative in Bolivia, Juan Ordoñez, who is in charge of both general project management as well as specific actions such as the training of farmers.
At each General Assembly the after-tax profits are allocated to development programs. However, money that is raised via supporting members (“socios”) and all other donations go directly into this funding.
PAST PROGRAMS (non-exhaustive list, in descending chronological order)
–rehabilitation of sheep herds in the Pongo altitude region in Bolivia (introduction of breeding rams, construction of corrals, vaccination of herds, etc.)
–Sicaya dikes in the department of Cochabamba (Bolivia) until 2013:
o Construction of dikes and reclamation of agricultural land
o Development of reclaimed land and harvest management
o Technical, economic, and legal training of farmers
This program involved 13 cooperatives in the Rio Arque valley and 329 families, ie 1,845 people. For the K’ara K’ara cooperative alone, 95 hectares have been recovered and cultivated.
o October 30, 2005: inauguration of the Cuatro Rincones Training Center in K’ara K’ara.
– Qosko Maki bakery in Cusco, Peru (training and protection of adolescents, purchase of equipment)
– development of the children play area around the library of the “los Jasmines” slum in Lima, Peru
– economic and social autonomy of Aymaran women : economic and legal training of a group of “urbanized” Aymara women, support for the formal establishment of the Amparampi association in El Alto, Bolivia, 2008.
– in Lima, organization of 3 distributions of 25,000 to 50,000 new clothes offered by the company Mikava. In addition, two x-ray machines and medicine to fight the cholera epidemic were provided.
– installation of fresh water reservoirs in south Lima, in San Juan de la Libertad and San Juan de Miraflores.
– construction of a large library and a popular canteen in the Comas district of Lima.
– collaboration with french scientific and medical institutions ORSTOM and CRIN (Immuno-nutritional rehabilitation center for severely malnourished children (3rd degree malnutrition)).
– Financial support for the material operation of CRIN: children’s accomodation, food, medical analyses and care, medicine and salary supplements for the Bolivian team (Cochabamba Children’s Hospital / Bolivia).
– construction and equipment of the “Caousou” health post in Lekepampa + training of Indian nurses by the Bolivian Red Cross,
– creation of the Lekepampa school (Bolivia)
– construction / restoration of 7 other schools and 2 high-schools on the Bolivian Altiplano + provisions for and procurement of school equipment (furniture, supplies, maps, sports equipment, etc.).